
Zipper Sewing (Continued)
= To sew
(_) 1/8" (0_4cm) fabric margin
(_ Zipper teeth
(_ Zipper tape
(_ Forward edge of zipper foot
(_ Sewing direction
[] Fold back the upper layer seam allowance. Fold back
the lower layer seam allowance to leave a 1/8" (0.4 cm)
margin of fabric (_)_.
Place zipper teeth next to margin edge and pin margin to
zipper tape.
Align forward edge of zipper foot (_with margin edge
Return thread tension and stitch length to original
settings, Sew a seam the entire length of zipper tape,
removing pins as you go. Before reaching pull-tab, unzip
a few inches to clear a path for the stitch, Remove fabric
and close zipper.
[] Take the upper fabric layer and lay it flat over the zipper
Beginning above pulHab at top of zipper tape, sew a
seam about 3/8" to 1/2" (approx. 13 cm) distance from
the basting stitches, Stop sewing at a position just below
the zipper bottom stop.
Turn fabric 90° and sew to meet the bottom seam° Sew
in reverse a few stitches to lock.
Once both sides of zipper are sewn, use seam ripper to
open the basting stitch.