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A-4Z ]: _-:
Monogram Embroidery
Press the Monogram tab to open the monogram window
_) Monogram tab
tn the monogram selection window, you can program
words by pressing the alphabet keys directly
After you press an alphabet key, the letter is memorized
and the cursor is moved to the right
(_) Cursor
. Function keys
(_) Number/Letter key
When you press !_! key, the number and symbols will
appear.. To select the number or symbol, press the
corresponding key.
Press key again to return to the letter selection
_ Upper/Lower case key
You can select upper or lower case letters by pressing
this key
_._European accented letter key
You can select European accented letters, such as the
diaeresis by pressing _.4key,
Cursor keys
Slide the cursor to the [eft or right by pressing either of
the -_t keys..To add letters!numbers!symbols
(character) into a monogram, move the cursor under a
character., Press the new character key and it will be
inserted before the underlined character.,
4_i_Magnifier key
Pressing key will enlarge the letter keys to make
entry easier
_) Delete key
You can delete the underlined chartacters
Move the cursor under the letter, number or symbol you
want to delete and press the _} key
File Save key
You can save the monogram by pressing !_i_::key,The
file save window will appear,
Horizontal/Vertical key
You can choose the direction of the embroidery either
horizontal or vertical
_)) Letter Size key
You can choose three different sizes of letters: large,
medium and small Set the size of monogram before
selecting the letter
(i;_OK key
Pressing the key confirms your entry After the key
is pressed the screen will change to the embroidery
,(3_Return key (The return key appears after the
magnifier key is pressed)
Press # key to return to the previous screen