Overcast Stretch Stitching
C) Stitch width:
(_ Stitch length:
(_) Needle thread tension:
(_ Presser foot A:
3 to 6°5
Gold stretch stitch position
2to 6
Zigzag foot
This stitch is for sewing a seam with an overcast
finish.. It is used when making swim wear, ski pants
and other garments which require stretch°
o To Sew:
Place raw edge of fabric to the "left" of the needle as
shown. Sew in a manner so that the needle pierces
the fabric very close to the outside edge,
Or place the fabric to allow a 5/8"" (1.6 cm) seam,
then trim the seam allowance_
Raw or worn edges of older garments can be
overcasted to prevent further raveling.
Use a #1t blue stretch needle, which effectively
prevents skipped stitching,
(_ Stitch width:
(_) Stitch length:
(_ Needle thread tension:
(&) Presser Ioot A:
(E) Presser foot F:
3 to &5
Gold stretch stitch position
Zigzag foot
Satin stitch foot
(.'i_Wrong side of fabric
Smocking is a delicate decorative treatment on
children's clothes or women's blouses,
Choose a soft and lightweight fabric such as batiste,
gingham or chailis_ Cut the fabric three times wider
than the projected width. Set stitch length at "4"
and sew rows of straight stitches 3/8" (I cm) apart
across the area to be smocked°
Knot the threads along the edge. Pull the bobbin
threads to distribute the gathers evenly and secure
the threads°
Sew the decorative stitches of your choice between
the gathered rows. Remove the gathering stitches..
NOTE: Loosen the needle thread tension to
make gathering easier.,
_ WIDTH (_
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