if you notice that your griIJ isgetting hard to light or that the
flame isn't as strong as it should be, take the time to check
and dean the burner tubes.
Spiders or smafl insects have been known to create
"flashback" problems. The spiders spin webs, buiJd nests and
Jay eggs in the griIVs burner tube(s) obstructing the flow of gas
to the burner. The backed-up gas can ignite in the burner tube
behind the controJ paneJ. This is known as a flashback and it
can damage your grill and even cause injury.
To prevent flashbacks and ensure good performance the
burner and burner tube assembly should be removed from the
griJl and cleaned before use whenever the grill has been idle
r an extended period, j
Storing Your Grill
" Clean cooking grates.
" Store in dry location.
" When LP cylinder is connected to grill, store outdoors in a
well-ventilated space and out of reach of children.
" Cover grill if stored outdoors. Choose from a variety of
grill covers offered by manufacturers.
" Store grill indoors ONLY if LP cylinder is turned off and
disconnected, removed from grill and stored outdoors.
" When removing grill from storage, follow "Cleaning the
Burner Assembly" instructions before starting grill.
3. Remove carryover tubes and burners.
4. Detach electrode from burner.
NOTE: Removal/Detachment method will depend on the
burner configuration. See different configurations in
illustrations below.
5. Carefully lift each burner up and away from valve
openings. We suggest three ways to clean the burner
tubes. Use the one easiest for you.
(A) Bend a stiff wire (a light weight coat hanger works
well) into a small hook. Run the hook through each burner
tube several times.
(g) Use a narrow bottle brush with a flexible handle (do
not use a brass wire brush), run the brush through each
burner tube several times.
(C) Wear eve protectlan: Use an air hose to force air into
the burner tube and out the burner ports. Check each
port to make sure air comes out each hole.
6. Wire brush entire outer surface of burner to remove food
residue and dirt.
7. Clean any blocked ports with a stiff wire such as an open
paper clip.
8. Check burner for damage, due to normal wear and
corrosion some holes may become enlarged. If any large
cracks or holes are found replace burner.
VERY iMPORTANT: Burner tubes must reengage
valveopenlngs. See illustration at right.
9. Attach electrode to burner. Correct
10. Carefully replace burners, engogemei
11. Attach burners to brackets on firebox.
12. Reposition carryover tubes and attach
to burners. Replace flame tamers and
cooking grates.
Cleaning the Burner Assembly
Follow these instructions to clean and/or replace parts of
burner assembly or if you have trouble igniting grill.
1. Turn gas OFF at control knobs and LP cylinder.
2. Remove cooking grates and flame tamers.
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