To insert Bread Pan into Breadmaker, •
seat it into Oven Case and press down
until it snaps into place, Remember to
insert Kneading Paddle first, then add all
ingredients BEFORE inserting Bread
Pan into Oven case.
To remove Bread Pan from Oven Case,
use an oven mitt to hold Handle and lift
gently. When you remove Bread Pan after
MITTS to prevent burning. After you
remove the loaf by turning the Bread Pan
upside down and gently shaking it, check
to see that the Kneading Paddle is
removed from the loaf, tf it is stuck in the
bread, use a non-metal utensil to gently
remove it. •
CAUTION: The Kneading Paddle may
be very hot. Never remove it from hot
bread with bare hands,
Take care not to scratch the Kneading
!, 2, 3! 1, 2, 3!
We'll say this again, because it's so
important, Always put your ingredients
into the Bread Pan in this order:
!, Wet -- water, milk, oi!s, fats
2. Dry -- salt, powdered milk, grains,
sugar, flour
3. Yeast -- Do not use yeast past
expirat!on date.
Use oven mitts when working with hot
bread or any part of the Breadmaker
during or just after Baking cycle.
It is normal for the Viewing Window to
experience condensation during the
latter part of the rising cycle, prior to
the activation of baking. As the bread
bakes, the moisture wil! evaporate.
Don't open Lid excessively during
baking, This causes bread to bake
Do not unplug Breadmaker during
Kneading or Baking cycles. This will
stop the operation.
Whole Wheat cycles have a rest peri-
od for up to 30 minutes before knead-
ing begins, No movement occurs in
the Bread Pan, This is normal.
After baking, a controlled Keep Warm
phase will begin for each selection
(except Dough and Jam), This will help
to reduce condensation between loaf
and Bread Pan, However, it is best to
remove bread as soon as possible
after completing Baking cycle,
If a dough cycle was chosen, remove
ball of dough as soon as the bread-
maker has completed the dough cycle,
Turn dough out of the pan onto a
clear_, floured surface. Shape, bake, or
store the dough as you planned.