Program key
Press _, key to program pattern combination.
When you press this key the following function keys will
be displayed.
Cursor keys
Press the keys to move the cursor to right or left.
You can select a pattern to delete, select a position to
insert another pattern.
Delete key
Press the keys to move the cursor under the
pattern you would like to delete. Press the _ key to
delete the selected pattern.
Vertical mirror key
Press the key for the mirror image of the pattern.
Page key
The i_J !J_Jkeys inform you that there are other pages
to be displayed.
Press _._ key to view the next page.
Press i._ key to veiw the previous page.
Save file key
You can memorize the program that you made with the
Memory check key
Press the key to see the entire monogramming while
you are programming.
After you started sewing, the key indication will change
to You can start sewing the monogramming from the
beginning by pressing key.