You' room a co_dt ener p_®vdes the _ciews 9
unctions te make et weather ,eng mo_e
oCools a 8c_8uates sam ai_
oLowers tamsid y by removing exsess mosL re
F_ers e@ts_Jmme£irse dus drt and sor_e
airborne mpu es
ThearoendSoqe p rfoms_hesefuncionsby
dr_® n9 vsem ar through a filter whet traps @Jet
ad dd particles, The air then passes ova
coe_ng es wh h refrigerates _heair and _÷moves
excess moistus T_e same air s then fetunsed 1o
the _oom-eooe_, alder and ties;no Most_,_re
remeved fern the rusm a_ s carded to the outs de
a_d evaporated
Your aJ 8ondtione! is designed to be ca%, o
operate and to provide pieety of ea@ng power
Asd®from ha_ ularfas_ r @s andcom russet
soer,_ds¢mn 9 fr®m you_ a_ send 8ore_ you w_!
or_eeif_a _,,h e hea a p n#ing sound, Ths s the
resu_ o_mostu e ben_ picked t@ f_om the e in the
room ard thrown e#ainst the a c_ndtie e s fan,
This s normal a_sdshoud sot be cause fe_concern
Ass, do st t',',eaa m;ed £ yes ee a signethissn 9
o gurel n9 sound comng f@m yo_,r a__oend tone_
afro t s eft Tsese a_e_o_ma eeeaJs noises
Prope_ ur,¢ sze e impotent _sde@dn 9 he des _ed
caroled fer the a@a you wan_ to cool The poser
sine s determ ned by tee number o_ sqaare feet
n the area to be cooled indoor and outdoor
Iempe_a_u_e sad numdy
Wh®neve e heat or humidity sad s abe,o'enorms
the er send tiorie must run longer and moo cries
to keep @e des;red temperature _eu have se oct@
Usderhesvyheat oadeond ie s eereondtioner
may need Io runee_i_stanty to ezep tf_e tempe_at_J_e
A bm_S S'y_ he ME© FAN Sef.!_g tO a rcu ate tr,e
room at may rnae t som_sr[able ever faugh the
ai she _,engcooed Thsw de reassyour est
cot't'prssso¢ 'nay qe%ee hgh
o chedhum® pulsetn_
nose h_,_Iyoer_oeandef,
ii i
"Youmay hear ar
mevemert ram
the %e
You nay hear dmpSe_sof water hitling
the condenser sauS e_ a ping r,g o_'
e! eking sound_
o9 _