The safety instructions below willtell you how to useyour ovento avoid harm to yourself or damage to your oven.
WARNING - To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury to persons, or exposure to excessive
microwave energy:
1. Read allthe instructions before usingyouroven.
2. Do not allow children to usethis oven withoutclose
3. Readandfollowthe specificPRECAUTIONS TOAVOID
ENERGYfoundon page3.
4. Donot tamper with the built - insafety switches on
the oven door! The even has several built-insafety
switches to makesure the power is off whenthe door is
5. When cleaningthe door end the surfaces that touch
the door, use only mild, nonabrasive soaps or
detergents and a spongeor soft cloth.
6. if your oven is dropped or damaged, haveitthoroughly
checked by a qualified servicetechnician before using it
7. To avoid afire hazard:
a) Do not severelyovercook foods. Itcancausea firein
the oven.
b) Do notuse recycled paper products inyour oven.
Theycancontainparticlesthatcan causearcingor may
e) Do not overcook potatoes. Overcooking couldcause
d) Do notstore combustible items (bread,cookies, etc.)
in the oven, because it lightning strikes the power
lines, it may cause the oven to turn ON.
e) Do not use wire twist-ties inthe oven. Be sure to
removethem beforeplacingthe iteminthe oven.
f) Donot use the cavity for storage purposes.Do not
leave paperproducts,cookingutensils,orfoodinthe
cavitywhennotin use.
8. It a fire should start:
a) Keep the oven door closed.
b)Turn the oven off.
e) Disconnect the power cord or shut offthe powerat
the fuse or circuit breaker panel.
g. Donotusethisovenfor commercialpurposes.This
microwave ismade forhouseholduseonly.
10. Installorlocate thisappliancein accordancewiththe
11.To avoid electric shock:
a) This appliance mustbe grounded!Connect itonlyto
aproperlygroundedoutlet.(Seethe Grounding
instructions onpage 3.)
b) Donot operate thisappliance if it has adamaged
cord orplug, ifit isnotworkingproperly,or ifithas
c) Do not immersethe electrical cord or plug inwater.
d) Keepthe cord awayfrom heated surfaces.
e) This applianceshould be serviced onlyby qualified
12. Liquidssuch as water,coffee,ortea areabletobe
overheatedbeyondtheboilingpointwithoutappearing to
beboiling duetosurfacetensionofthe liquid.Visible
bubblingorboilingwhenthecontainerisremoved from
the microwaveoven is not alwayspresent.Thiscould
resultinvery hotliquids suddenlyboiling overwhena
spoon orotherutensilis insertedintothe liquid.Toreduce
the riskofinjurytopersons;1) Donotoverheatthe liquid.
2) Stirtheliquidboth before andhalfwaythroughheating
it. 3) Donot usestraight-sided containerswithnarrow
necks.4)After heating,allowthecontainertostandinthe
microwave ovenfora shorttimebeforeremoving the
container.5) Useextremecarewheninserting a spoonor
other utensil intothe container.
13. Keepthe glasstray and the turntable roller restin the
ovenwhen you arecooking.
14. Do notusethe oven outdoors. Do not store theoven
outdoors. Donot use this productnear water. - for
example, neara kitchen sink, in a wetbasement,ornear
a swimming pool,or similar location.
15. Do notcoveror block any openings inthe oven.
16. D,onot runthe microwaveoven empty.
17. Do notlet thecord hang overthe edge of atable or
18. Donot heatglass turntable excessively.
- Do notcook bacon directlyon the glass turntable.
- Do notallow the greyfilm on special microwave cooking
packages to touch the glassturntable. Putthe package
on a microwave-safe dish.
- Keep a browning dishat least3/16inch above the glass
turntable. Ifyou usethe browning dish incorrectly,you
could breakthe glass turntable,
19. Be careful notto chip or scratchthe edges of the
turntable. Chips or scratchesmay cause the turntableto
break during use.
20. Some produce such as whole eggsand sealed
containers-for example, closed glassjars are ableto
explode an'_should not beheated inthis oven.