Installation Requirements
See Figure 4. Inspect window track, sash, and sill.
Ensure window will bear weight of air conditioner for
extended period of time. Measure width of window
opening to be sure air conditioner will fit.Air conditioner
is designed for windows 22½" to 40" wide. Ensure lower
left inside corner of window iswithin 6' of an appropriate
electrical outlet.
NOTE: Installationkitisdesigned for most double-hung
windows that do not have storm windows
installed. Ifstorm window is installed, or if
installation is in a mobile home, window sill may
need modification. See procedure for Storm
Window Modification or for Mobile Home
Window Modification.
Figure 4. Typical Double-Hung Window
1. Window frame
2. Window track
3. Outdoor sash
4. Indoor sash
5. Window sill(indoor)
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Next, center 6"x 41A"wood block on outside of window
sillbetween sides ofwindow frame. Wood block must be
same thickness as wood strip installed on indoor sill.
Attach blockto outside sillusing 3 countersunk screws.
Mounting kitcan now be installed.
Figure 5. Window Frame Modification
1. Indoorsash (shownopen)
2. Wood strip(1I/="wide)
3. Indoor sill
4. Wood block
5. Storm windowframe
6. At least 1"clearance between top of window silland
top of storm window frame
7. Outdoor sash
Mobile Home Window Modification
See Figure 6. Mobile home window modification
requires adding wood strip at least 1½" wide along entire
width of window sill.Thickness of wood stripshould
match height of front lipof window frame. Fasten wood
strip to sillwith 3 countersunk wood screws (not
provided) to ensure smooth surface for mounting kit.
Mounting kit can now be installed.
Storm Window Modification
See Figure 5. if storm window frame does not allow
adequate clearance (1' required), remove frame or
create clearance by adding wood strip at least 1½" wide
and 1" thick along entire width of sill Fasten wood strip
to sillwith three countersunk wood screws (not
provided) to ensure smooth surface for mounting kit.