• IMPORTANT:Usenewhoseswheninstallingthewasher.
Do NOTreuseold hoses.
• IMPORTANT:UseONLYtheinlethosesprovidedwiththis laundry
product.Aftermarkethosesare not guaranteedto fitor functioncor-
correctlyandcouldcauseleaks.Subsequentdamageto productor
propertywill notbecoveredunderthetermsof the productwarranty.
• Watersupplypressuremust bebetween14.5psi and 116psi
(100~800kPa).Ifthewatersupplypressureismorethan 116psi,a
pressureregulatormustbe installed.
• Periodicallycheckthe hosefor cracks,leaks,andwear,and replace
the hoseevery5 years.
• Makesure thatthewaterlinesare not stretched,pinched,crushed,or
• Thewashershouldneverbeinstalledorstoredin a
locationsubjectto freezingtemperatures.Damageto thewaterlines
and internalmechanismsofthe washercanresult.Ifthewasherwas
exposedto freezing
temperaturespriorto installation,allowit tostandatroomtemperature
for severalhoursbeforeuseandcheckfor leakspriorto operation.
Water Hose Rubber Seal
(to water inlet
on washer)
Rubber Seal Water Hose
(to tap)
1. Inspect the threaded fitting on each hose and make sure
there is a rubber seal in place in both ends.
Water Tap
2. Connect the water supply hoses to the HOTand COLDwater
faucets tightlyby hand and then tighten another 2/3 turn withpliers.
Turn ON the water faucets and check for leaks.
NOTE:Awater heater set to deliver 120°F (49°C)water
to the washer.
NOTE:To avoid build up that can clogthe inletvalve screen, thor-
oughly flush both faucet and hose to remove any particles or other
impurities by running water through them intoa container.
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3. Always flush a gallon or two of water through each fill
hose to help prevent future problems with clogged filter
screens. This will also help identify which hose is hot
and cold.
4. Attach the red, hot water line to the hot water inlet on
the back of the washer. Attach the blue, cold water line
to the cold water inlet on the back of the washer. Tighten
the fittings securely.
NOTE: Be careful not to cross-thread the hose fittings
since this will damage the valve and could result in
property damage from leaks.
NOTE: Do not cross-thread the hose fittings. Attach the
hot water line to the red hot water inlet on the back of the
washer. Attach the cold water line to the blue cold water
inlet on the back of the washer. Tighten the fittings
NOTE: Tighten the fittings securely. Open the water taps
fully to check for leaks.