WARNING: TO r_uce the risk of fire, electric shock, or inju_ to persons, read and follow this
entire manual, including the Important Safe_ Instructions, _fore o_rating this washer,
• Unplug the washer _fore cleaning to avoid the risk of el_tric shock. Failure to follow this warning can cause serious
injury, fire, electrical shock, or death.
• Never use harsh chemicals, abrasive cleaners, or solvents to clean the washer. They will damage the finish.
Cleaning the Exterior
Proper care of your washercan extend its life, The outside of
the machine can be cleaned w_hwarm water and a mild, non-
abrasive householddetergenL
]mm_iate]y wipe off any spills with a soft, damp cloth,
IMPORTANT: Do not use methy]ated spirits, solvents, or
similar products. Never usesteel 'woolor abrasive cleaners
because they can damage the surfa_.
Care and Cleaning of the Interior
Use atowel or soft cloth to wipe aroundthe washer door
opening, door seal, and dcor glass, These areas should be
kept clean to ensure a watertight seal, Be sure to wipe under
the inside rubber seal to remove any moisture or soil,
Always remove items from the washer assoon asthe cycle is
completed. Leaving damp items in the washer can cause
wrinkling, color transfer, and odor.
Run the CLEAN WASHER cycle once a month, or more often if
n_ded, to remove detergent buildup and other residue.
Read these instructions carefully before beginning the
0 Openthe dcor and removeany clothingin thewashdrum,
0 Openthe dispenser
0 Add I_uidchlorinebleachor tubc_aner.
Some powderor tablettub cleanerswhicharema_qufac_Jredfor
this purposecan be used.
(NOTE: Donot add any laundrydetergentorfabricsoftenerto
the drawer_en usingCLEANWASHER,)
- If using liquid chlorinebleach
Add liquidchlorineb_ach _ thebleach compar_ent of the
drawer,(NOTE:_ notexceedtie ma_mum fill lineanddo
not pour undilutedl_uid bleachdirectlyintotie washdrum.)
- If using p-3w,_r clean_
Removethe liquiddetergentcup and addpowderc_aner to
tie main washcompartmentof the drawer.
- If using tab_t c_r
Addtabbt cleanertothe wash drumdirectly.
(NOTE: Donot addtabletcleanerto the drawer.)
Cbse the drawera'-_ washerdoor.
NOTE: Itis r_mended that CLEANWASHER shouldpe
repeatedmonthly.Ifmi_ew or musty_ell alreadyexists, run
CLEANWASHERfor 3 con_uWe weeks AfterCLaN WASHER
is comp_te or_en the washeris notused, _ave thewasherdoor
openfor petterventib_onanddry_r_insideofthe washer.
Door Seal and Glass Cleaning
Due to the locationand nature ofthe door seal, some detergent
and soil residue may build up on the door glass and sea].
Periodic cleaning with a bleach solution can help remove
buildup and stains and can help sanitize the seal to prevent
NOTE: Wear rubber gloves and eye protection whiie performing
the following procedure:
Dilute cup (177 m]) liquid gallon
3/4 chlorine b_each
with 1
(3.8 L) of warmJhotwater.
Use this solution to wipedown all
surfaces of the gasket and glass
gasket to remove any deposits
left there. (Thegasket is stiff. Be
sure to fold back the lip of the
gasket to get under the edge
where residue can build up.)
O Wipe the gasket &qdglass with a dry cloth.
O Leave the door open to allow the gasket to dry completely
, Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper use of bleach.
* Do not use undiluted bleach as this will damage the gasket.
Removing Mineral Buildup
If you livein an area with hard water, limescale can form on
internal components ofthe washer. Use of a water softener is
recommended in areas with hard water.
Use a desca]er, such as Washer MagicR, and runthe CLEAN
'WASHERcycle before washing clothing.
Do NOT use steel wool or abrasive cleaners; they can damage
the surface,
Storing the Washer
Ifthe washer willnot be used for an extended period of time and
is in an area that could be exposed to freezing temperatures:
Turn off watersupplytap.
0 Di_nneet h_as fromwatersupp#janddrainwaterfrom hoses.
0 PIL_the_wer cord into a proper_'greund_
O dd i gai]_ of nonto_c recrea&3naivehic_ (RV)ant£reezeto
the _pty washdrum.Cbse _r.
Se_t thespin cycle andletwas_r spinfor 1 minuteto drainout
ail thewater.
NOTE: Notai]of the RV aqtifreezewill beexpe]_
Unplug_ powercord,dry thedrum interiorwith a soft cbth, a_d
c_ the door.
Removethe insertsfr_ the dispenser.Drainaqy waterin
comparlmentsanddry thecomp_ents.
Store anupright_s_on,
the washerin
Q To the antifreezefrom the washerafter
washerthrougha comp_te cycleusinga smai]amountof
detergent Do not_d laundry!