,_ CAUTION: Fully assemble air filter before using (See Air Cleaner Set-Up on
following page)° Note: Features vary according to model
. Quiet Operation
This Kenmore air cleaner has a four-
speed fan with quiet operation that is
ideal for nighttime.
, Air Quality Sensor
This Kenmore air cleaner has an AIR
QUALITY sensor that detects the presence
of various pollutants in the air. The unit
automatically increases fan speed to
clean more air volume and remove the
impurities quickly.
- Light Sensor
The built-in light sensor detects when the
room is dark and automatically dims the
lights of the control panel and lowers the
fan speed for quiet and energy-efficient
operation_ Once the room is dark, the light
sensor will keep the lights dim, and not
allow the fan to increase speed despite
what the AIR QUALITY sensor detects.
• Multi-Stage Cleaning
The air passes through multiple stages of
cleaning before returning to the room.
• PlasmaWave TM Technology
PlasmaWave TM Technology uses a strong
corona discharge to attack pollutants at
the molecular level.
• Sanitized TM Treated Carbon Pro-Filter
The Carbon Pro-Filter collects large
particles, such as dust, pet hair, and lint.
it absorbs odor-causing gases, such as
those caused by cigarette
smoke, organic decay, and
cooking, and is treated with
Sanitize TM to effectively
reduce the development of
bacteria and fungi° For
best performance, replace
every three months,
True HEPA Filter
Captures 99.99% of parlicles
and impurities as small as
0.3 microns, including
smoke, dust, pollen, and
other allergens. Replace
indicator light turns on.
Advanced PlasmaWave TM Technology
PlasmaWave TM uses a strong corona discharge to break apartairbornepollutantsat the
molecular level
In a fraction ofa second,PtasmaWave TMcombineswithnaturally occurringwater molecules in the
air (H20) tocreate blltions of HydroxylRadk_l molecules (OH).
OH isan unstablemoleculethatseeks equilibriumbystealinghydrogenatomsfrom adjacent
moleculescontaininghydrogen(the pollutants),therebyreformingthem intoharmless molecules of
water,carbondioxide,and otheracceptablemolecules.
The resul!is a measurable reductionof pollutants alter the airpassesthroughthe Plasma
By reformingmolecules,PlasmaWave TM technology can reduceodors, as well as VOCs (chemical
vapors). It is also effectlve at reductngairbornemicroorganisms--bacteria and viruses.
The PtasmaWaveTM technologyis harmless and theOH molecule only lives for a nanosecond
whineit reforms surrounding molecules. Most importantly--unlike oldstyle iontechnology--
PlasmaWave TM does not produce high levels of ozone as a by-product.
When combinedwith a fan-and-filter air-cleaning system, PtasmaWaveTM offers an effective and
efficientway of cleaning the air of unwanted pollutantsincludingdust, smoke, and pollen, as well
asVOCs, allergens,micro-organisms, and odors°