25 recipes have been stored in thisoven.
To cookone of the-2Spreset recipes, touchthe recipe number correspondingto presetrecipe,,These 25 recipes
havebeen preset,so you cari not erase or substitutethem_
Referto the cookbook for detailed instructioris on the 25 presetreeipes,_
Recipe# Ingredients Base Q'ty Directions
1. Cup oICoffee...............................Icup (8oz.)
2. Bacon ....................................2 slices(2oz)
3. Baked Potato ............................... 1 potato (6 oz,,) .................... Turn Potatoes over at Pause_
4. Hot Dog ...................................... 1 hot do<3(3 oz.) .................... Place Hot Dog in bun at Pause.
5. Scrambled E99s ............................. 2 eggs (5-I/2 oz.) ................. Stir Eg_qsat Pause.
6o Fresh Corn-on.The Cob .................... 1 ear (7 oz..)
7. Basic White Rice (long 9rain) ............... 1/2 cup
8. Frozen Vegetables .......................... 10 oz. pkg
9. Defrosting Ground Beef ..................... 1 lb................................ Removed thawed portions.
Return unthawed portions at Pause.
10. Melte_] Butter ................................... 2 tablespoons
11. Hamburger Patty ............................. 1 patty (1/4 Ibs.) ................ Turn Patty over at Pause.
12o Fish Steaks .................................. 2 steaks, (8 oz. each) .......... Turn Fish over at Pause.
13. Chicken Pieces ............................. I/2 lb .................................. Rearrange Pieces at Pause.
14. Pork Chop, 3/4" thick ....................... l chop (8 oz.) ..................... Turn Chops over at Pause.
15. Scalloped Potatoes .....................................5-1/4 oz. pkg (2 Ibso) ............. Combine package ingredients with
wet and dry ingredients listed on box.
At pause, stir or follow package
16. Basic White Sauce .....................................1 cup (10 oz.) ...................... Melt butter. At 1st pause, stir flour
': intobutter, blending well. Add pepper
and nutmeg, whisk in Milk, At 2nd
pause, stir until smooth,
17. Pudding Mix ....7................................ 3-1/4 ozo pkg (21 oz.) ............. Stir Pudding Mix at Pause.
18. Cake Mix ............................................ t layer, 9 oz. pkg. (19 oz.) ...... Rotate 1/4 turn at Pause,,
19. Brownie Mix ............................... 16 oz. pkg (I.1/3 Ibs.). ........... Rotate I/4 turn at Pause.
20. Mu_ns ;:............................................ 6 muffins .............................. Repeat three times to cook 18 muffins.
2 I. Canned Entree ........................... i can, 16 oz ......................... Plug in Temperature Probe.
22. Canned Soup ...................................... I can (10 3/4 oz.) .................... Plug in Temperature Probe.
23, Meat Loaf ............................................ 1.,1/2 lb. 9round beef ............... Plug in Temperature Probe.
(3 ibs.)
24. Precooked Ham ............................ 3--5 lbs.........................................Plug in Temperature Probe,,Turn
Ham over at Pause.
25, Reheating Casserole ............. '............ 4--6 servings ...................... Plug in Temperature Probe.
( ) shows total weight including all ingredients inthe recipe,
NOTE: Temperature affects cooking time,, The preset recipe times are based on food at its normal storage
temperature, For example, meats and dairy products are re/rigerator temperature., Canned goods are room