Refer to this chart for suggested load types and their corresponding cycles. Listed to the right are the options available to each of these
washer cycles.
Prewash* Stain Treat Auto 2nd Rinse Extended
Soak* Spin
Sanitary Heavily soiled underwear, towels, work V V V' V' V
clothes, diapers, etc.
Whitest Heavily soiled white fabrics i/ i/ v' v' i/
Heavy Duty Normally soiled underwear, towels, i/ i/ v' v' i/
shirts, etc., made of cotton
Normal/ Lightly to normally soiled blouses, shirts, V V V V V
Casual overalls, etc., made of polyester, nylon,
cotton, linen, or cotton blends
Express Wash Lightlyto normally soiled overalls and v' v' i/
sportswear made of cotton, polyester,
nylon, and cotton blends
Delicate Curtains and delicate clothing, dresses, i/ v' v'
skirts, shirts and blouses
Silk Fabrics made of silk identified as v'
machine washable
Wool Woolens with a felt-free finish, identified v'
as machine washable
Ultra Fabrics made of silk, special-care items v'
Handwash marked "Handwashable"
* Prewash and Auto Soak cannot be selected at the same time.
Preparing clothes for washing
Follow these recommendations to help you prolong the life of
your garments.
• Close zippers, snaps, and hooks to avoid snagging other
items. Remove pins, buckles, and other hard objects to avoid
scratching the washer interior. Remove non-washable trim
and ornaments.
• Empty pockets and turn them inside-out.
• Turn down cuffs; brush away lint and dirt.
• Turn synthetic knits inside-out to avoid pilling.
• Tie strings and sashes so they will not tangle.
• Mend tears, loose hems, and seams.
• Treat spots and stains.
• Stained or wet garments should be washed promptly for best
• Separate heavily soiled items from lightly soiled ones, even if
they would normally be washed together. Separate lint-givers
(towels, chenille) from lint-takers (corduroy, synthetics,
permanent press). When possible, turn lint-givers inside-out.
• Separate dark colors from light colors, colorfast items from
non-colorfast items.
• Sort by fabric and construction (sturdy cottons, knits, delicate
• Remove clothes from washer after the cycle is completed.
Metal objects such as zippers, snaps, and buckles may rust if
left in the washer basket for a long time.