MODEL NOs. 625.384720 & 625.384750
1. AT LEAST every 6 months, replace the prefilter and postfilter cartridges orwhen yellow LED flashes.
2. Replace the RO membrane cartridge when the percent rejection oftotal dissolved solids (TDS) isless than shown
in the specifications (see B, below) or when red LED flashes.
3. Replace the batteries once per year.
If any of the following occur before the 6 months, replace as directed.
A. Slow Making ofProduct WateK Replace the prefilter cartridge. C. Chlorine Tasteand/orOdoK Replace the prefilter, post filter and
lithe production rate does not improve, replace the post filter car- RO membrane cartridges.
tridge and RO membrane cartridge.
B. High Total Diaaotved Solids (TDS) in Product Water: You can
get a free TDS test through some Sears retail stores or service
departments. Ifthe store or service department does not have a
TDS meter, you can send treated and untreated water samples to
a water analysis lab for testing. It is important to test both the
treated and untreated water to determine system performance. If
the TDS is not within the system's performance guidelines,
replace the prefilter, post filter and RO membrane cartridges.
Chlorine taste andfor
odor in the RO product
Other taste andfor odor
The ppm of chlorine in your water supply
exceeds maximum limits, and has de-
stroyed the RO membrane.
The prefilter is no longer removing chlo-
rine from the water supply.
Post filter expended.
RO membrane cartridge expended.
Contamination in product water storage.
Water supply to the RO system not within
Prefilter or RO membrane cartridges
plugged with sediments.
Storage tank air-charge less than 5 - 7
Ifthewater supply contains more than 2.0 ppm of chlorine, addi-
tional filtering of the water supply to the RO is needed. Correct
this condition before doing maintenance on the RO system.
Replace the prefilter, post filter and RO membrane cartridges.
Replace the post filter cartridge. If taste and odor persists, re-
place the prefilter cartridge and RO membrane cartridge.
Use sanitizing procedures. Replace the post filter cartridge.
System makes product Increasewaterpressure, preconditionthewater, etc.,asneeded
water too atowty to conform before doing maintenance on the RO system.
Replace the prefilter cartridge. If rate does not increase, replace
the postfilter cartridge and RO membrane cartridge.
System makes tower Open RO faucet and drain tank until flow slows to a drip. Keep
amount of product water faucet open and check tank pressure. If low, pressurize to 6 psi.
than uau_t Close Faucetto refill the tank.
High totat diaaotved aot- WatersupplytotheROsystemnotwithin Increase water pressure, precondition the water, e¢c.,as needed
ida (!DS) in product wa- specifications, to conform before doing maintenance on the RO system.
tar - ftaahing red LED RO membrane cartridge expended. Replace the prefilter, postfilter and RO membrane cartridges,
flow control, and screen.
Water teat_ing from t_u- Drain side of faucet airgap (3/8" tubing) Inspect and eliminate restriction or plug. Refer to installation
cetairgap hote plugged, restricted, or incorrectly con- instructions for proper drain connection.
nected to drain point.
Continuat water ttow to Check valve orautomatic shutoff assam- Clean, repair or replace as needed.
drain bly plugged, restricted or paris worn
Faucet LED indicator Batteries dead. Replace with new batteries.
fight does not function af-
tar battery change Batteries installed incorrectly. Install batteries correctly.
Static protection device was not dis- Remove batteriesfora minimum or one hour and then reinstall.
Continuat water tlow to Missingflowrestrictorinreddraintubeor Replaceflowrestrictor.
dr_inandnoproductwa- its corresponding port.
Note_: Sanitizing is recommended after ser_4cing im_e_ parts of the system(see page 9).
Problems, Questions? Call 1-800-426-9345 Kenmore Water Line