
Pin No. Pin Name I/O A/D
Rating and Condition
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
The type of this port is open collector.
16 AUXO1 O Digital VOL 0.4 V
IOL -500 mA
Output Level 0.7 Vp-p
17 AFO O Analog
Coupling Capacitor 0.1 uF
allowable Load 100 - - k
allowable freq 300 3000 Hz
18 GND - GND
Output Level - 0.28 - Vp-p
Coupling Capacitor - 4.7 - uF
allowable Load 47 - - k
19 DEO O Analog Freq. Response (STD Dev)
Wide 20-4800Hz -6 1 dB
4800-7200Hz -24 1 dB
Narrow 20-4800Hz -15 1 dB
VIH 4 - 5.2 V
20 AUXIO5 I/O Digital
VIL -0.5 - 1 V
VOH (Io=-1.5mA) 4 - 5.2 V
VOL (Io=1.5mA) - - 1.1 V
VIH 4 - 5.2 V
21 AUXIO4 I/O Digital
VIL -0.5 - 1 V
VOH (Io=-1.5mA) 4 - 5.2 V
VOL (Io=1.5mA) - - 1.1 V
VIH 4 - 5.2 V
22 AUXIO3 I/O Digital
VIL -0.5 - 1 V
VOH (Io=-1.5mA) 4 - 5.2 V
VOL (Io=1.5mA) - - 1.1 V
VIH 4 - 5.2 V
23 AUXIO2 I/O Digital
VIL -0.5 - 1 V
VOH (Io=-1.5mA) 4 - 5.2 V
VOL (Io=1.5mA) - - 1.1 V
VIH 4 - 5.2 V
24 AUXIO1 I/O Digital
VIL -0.5 - 1 V
VOH (Io=-1.5mA) 4 - 5.2 V
VOL (Io=1.5mA) - - 1.1 V
25 ME - Analog This is GND port for Microphone.