Operation Manual
This operation manual is used for the KENWOOD SKY COMMAND SYSTEM (hereinafter referred to as KSS),
which is compatible with the TH-79AKSS and TH-D7A, which is available for sale on a limited basis.
Refer to the TH-D7A Instruction manual (page 83) for
instructions on how to use the KSS with the TH-D7A
Notes: PG-4R modification necessary when KSS II
operation with the TH-D7A.
Please cut the white wire carefully (TH-D7A ONLY).
TH-79AKSS:(Does not work on the other TH-79 series)
KSS provides a system wherein the portable
transceiver is used as a wireless remote control,
microphone, and repeater used in operation with the
TS-570S(G)/D(G) and/or TS-870S HF transceivers.
Wireless remote control operation has been achieved
through the utilization of the portable transceiver’s
DTMF and CTCSS functions, and the HF
transceiver’s PC control functions.
This system is capable of transmitting and receiving
HF radio signals, changing over from transmit to
receive, setting frequencies, switching memory
channels, and other functions.
KSS provides a wireless microphone system over a
short distance. Accordingly, KSS is very useful in the
following situations:
• Watching for DX, schedules, or tuning the bands
while working around the house.
• Operating HF radio while relaxing in your living
room, instead of in the shack.
• Operate without carrying a wired microphone
around the shack.
• Operate HF while camping, picnicking, or at local
sporting events (HF in the mobile).
At present, KSS is capable of communication in
voice mode. Please use SSB/AM/FM modes.
To get the most out of this system, KSS allows HF
memory channel operation, and fixed frequency
operation, even if VFO is used. It is more effective if
you operate by selecting HF operation frequencies
and modes beforehand. KSS can control RIT, if
required. In addition, KSS can operate VFO and can
change the frequency in steps. Therefore, the
conventional operating method of tuning the VFO is
not suitable in this system.