
Place one foot flat on a stool in front
of you using a wide stance. Both
feet pointing forward. For additio-
nal support the hands might rest on
the bent knee. Now move the bent
knee and the hips slowly forward.
Then change the leg.
Benefits: hips
3. Stretch exercise for the hips
In a tucked position, pull the knees
upwards and move the head to-
wards the knees. The hands grasp
the lower legs.
Benefits: Back and buttock muscles
1. Stretch exercise for the back muscles
In a standing or upright seated po-
sition, pull the right arm towards the
floor. Tilt the head to the left hand
side. The head is not turned, the
eyes look straight ahead, so that the
left ear moves towards the shoulder.
Benefits: Shoulder and neck muscles
4. Stretch exercise for the shoulder muscles
Stand with the wall on right hand
side. Lean against the wall with your
right hand and the arm slightly bent
at the elbow. The fingertips point
backwards. Then turn the upper
body slowly towards the left. Then
repeat the exercise with the other
Benefits: chest muscles
5. Stretch exercise for the chest muscles
Stand in front of a stool. Place one
heel on the stool, holding the leg
slightly bent and pull the toes to-
wards you. Now move your upper
body slighty forward while keeping
the back straight. Then change the
Benefits: back of your thighs
2. Stretch exercise for the back of your thighs
Stretching exercises
The back trainer „VITAL“ has been designed especially to exerci-
se the muscles of the back without putting too much strain on the
spine. Nowadays, where sedentary occupations are widespread,
regular exercise of the back muscles is especially important to
avoid weakening of the lower torso muscles.
Important Indications
Before beginning your training program, consult your doctor to
ensure that you are fit enough to use the unit. Base your program
on the result of his medical examination. Incorrect or excessive
training may have an adverse affect on your health.
The following training instructions are only suitable for healthy
Warm up/Stretching
Begin each training session with light gymnastic exercises.
Stretch exercises 1 – 5 should be carried out before and after
exercising. Stretch exercises are an essential part of the warm-up
phase of fitness training. They release tension in the muscles and
improve the circulation. We would like to suggest some stretch
exercises that should be carried out before and after exercising.
They are each intended to target a certain group of muscles and
can be used during your back muscle training.
Training Instructions
Important points concerning stretch exercises:
Assume the stretch position gradually.
The maximum stretch position should be well below the pain level.
Hold the stretch position for 10 – 20 seconds.
Do not „rock“ or „balance“ the body during the stretch phase.
Training instructions/planning
For the first three weeks as a beginner, carry out the back exerci-
se 1a, b, c (page 24) three times a week doing between 8 – 12
repetitions. When you are advanced you can carry out the back
exercises 1d, 2, 3 (pages 24 – 25). Between two training sessi-
ons there should be one resting day. After the first three weeks you
can intensify the training gently. First by increasing the number of
repetitions to 12 – 15 and later by increasing the number of sets
(a set is a defined number of repetitions carried out without a bre-
ak) to 2 – 3 with 12 –15 repetitions each. After each set make
sure you rest for about 60 – 90 seconds and use these breaks for
relaxing and/or stretching.
All movements should be carried out evenly, not rapidly or jerky.
One repetition should take approximately 6 seconds: raising tor-
so (2 seconds), holding that position (2 seconds), releasing torso
into starting position (2 seconds). Make sure you always breathe
regularly. Excessive training that makes you gasp for breath is to
be avoided in all instances.
The amount of training done in a particular session should be in-
creased gradually to avoid strain and other unpleasant physical
complaints e.g. stiffness of the muscles.