Emptying the Hot Water Tank
1. Ensure that the water fill lid is closed.
2. Place a cup on the drip plate then press and
hold the brew button until all the water has
been dispensed. Note, there will be a delay of
4 - 5 seconds until water starts to dispense.
Empty the Hot Water Tank before storing and
take care to ensure that you store your Brewer
in a safe and
frost free environment. It is
suggested to store your brewer in the upright
position. If you store the Brewer in a cold
environment, you run the risk of condensation
freezing inside the Brewer and causing damage.
When you prepare to use it after storage, we
recommend wiping the Hot Water Tank with a
damp lint-free cloth and running three cleansing
brews without a K-Cup
If your Brewer has been in an environment
below freezing, please be sure to let it warm to
room temperature for 2 hours before using.
De-Scaling Your Brewer
Mineral content in bottled or filtered water
varies. Depending on the mineral content of the
water, calcium deposits or scale may build up in
your Brewer.Scale is non-toxic but left unat-
tended, it can hinder Brewer performance. De-
scaling your Brewer helps maintain the heating
element, and other internal parts of the Brewer
that come in contact with water.
The Brewer should be de-scaled every 3-6
months to ensure optimal performance or when
there are white deposits in the Hot Water Tank.
It is possible for calcium deposits to build up
faster,making it necessary to de-scale more
Step 1: Make sure you have at least 8 ounces
of undiluted white vinegar on hand.You will also
need a 10 oz ceramic cup (do not use a paper
cup) and access to a sink.
Step 2: Fill Hot Water Tank with 8 ounces of
undiluted white vinegar up to the FILL LEVEL
mark, place a ceramic cup on the drip tray.
Step 3: Close the lid,and perform a brew into
the ceramic cup without adding a K-Cup
Step 4: Pour the contents of the ceramic cup
into the Hot Water Tank,careful the liquid will
be hot, close the lid. Start a brew but power off
the brewer just after it starts to dispense and
then allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes.
Step 5: After the prescribed period of time,
perform a brew without adding a K-Cup
. Empty
the contents of the ceramic cup into the sink ,
be careful as contents may be hot.
Step 6: Fill the Hot Water Tank with 8 ounces of
bottled water, close the water fill lid, place a
cup on the drip tray and perform a brew.
Step 7: Repeat Step 6 three times using bottled
water (with no K-Cup in place) to cleanse the
brewer plumbing and get rid of any residual
taste from the vinegar.
The brewer is now ready for normal use again.
Beyond these recommended cleaning and
maintenance procedures this brewer is not user
serviceable, for service please refer to the
Warranty section in this guide.
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