D. Check to see if you Iwe a water meter in
p.rr home. To have a grounded water pipe,
dw meter must hewe a wire clamp to either
side of the meter You can ground the water
pipe b securely clampng a length of No. 6
copper wire for PO0 amp service (of less) to
tare metal as show. Use grounding clamps,
wtified by C.SA, to attach wire to p&.x
G. If dnln Is too short, measure how far
trap outlet IS horn tube and buy a drain trap
extension wth a slip nut. Install trap
n you do not plan to connect a
dishwasher drain to the disposer, go to
Step 1%
lay disposer on its side. Insert top of
scravdwer at an angle Into dran hole
opening. Tap screwdrwer wltJ- hammer until
molded plug papsout. Remove loose plug
from dlsooser
to mounting
A LB f3-e dIsposerand posita? It so that the
dispowi three mountlnj ears are lined up
under tk ends of the sink mounting
assembly screws.
B. Holdanj the disposer I” place, turn the
locrer mounting rng wth edrs to the rI jht
until all thnc ears IoCk Into place I” the
mountmj assembly The dwoser wll now
hang by Itself The mounting ring WIII be
locked I” place later.
waste line
pipe to drain trap.
A. Remwe wry focelgn materials that may
have dropped InsIde the dwoser grIndIng
B. Turn the dqxserarwnd. Compare your
dlspxer waste lne pope wlti the two types
illustrated in C and D. Attach waste line
pipe as specified.
C. If xat already assembled, place the gasket
cwer the end of waste Ione pipe. Gasket must
be nstalled as shown to prevent laklnj
Insert tube into disposer opening Place
flange Over waste lne pipe and gasket
Secure flange to dlsposermth screw
D. Insert the jsskecet Into the dispxer dlsclwje
outlet Gasket will be held I” place by rhe
waste IIM pipe flange Place flange Over
waste Ime pope Secure flange and waste
line pipe to d1spae.r with scre&)
E.Rotate disposer until waste line pipe all jns
wth drain trap.
Make sure all connections compty with
local plumbing codes.
F. If tube Is too long, w off excess tubing
ml- a hackad Make sure cut IS clean and
H. ~hrn ~r%s, tljhten the slip nut on the trap.
For double sinks, we recommend use Of
separate traps for disposer and second
Connect to
dishwasher drain.
If you do not plan to conneCt a
dishwasher drain to the disposer, go
to Step 15.
Make sure connections Comply With
local plumbing codes.
A. A dIshwasher drain connectcx kit may be
purchased from a hardware stow Use worm
gear hose clamp on dlshwasher cOnrrzct!On
Remove clamp or fining from end of
dishwasherdran hose
8. Slide large end of rubber coupler over
disposer inlet tube Fasten coupler to
dlsposerwth clamp prowded
C. lnsat one end of the plastic tube Into the
coupler and fasten wth Pp mm clamp.
D. Slip the jear hose clamp over the
dahwasixrdrain hose pushlng It back
51-76 mm. Slip drain hose over plastic tube
Slide clamp in place and tIghten.
Be sure to tlghten all three clamps.
in place.
lnserl screadrwer of Jam-breaker wench
tnto left <lde of a dwxxpr mnuntlnq Iuq
.._ _ ._--_ _-._ r___
_. _ .~
at the top of the dqxxer. Turn screwdrIver
orjam-breaker wench to rljht until
dlscoser is locked firmlv I” olace.
Slowly run water through unit Then place
stopper seal in pasWan and fill wk.
8. Remove stopper and permit water to flow
Check for leaks at all plumbang connections.
If there IS a leak, tlghten the connection at
that pomt
C. Turn water on Run dispenser for one mwte.
Check that disposer IS operatlng correctly
Check for l&z at all plumblng connectlom
again. If there IS a lea& tI jhten the
coanectnn at that pant