Beater to Bowl Clearance
Your Stand Mixer is adjusted at the factory so the at beater just clears the bottom of
the bowl. If, for any reason, the at beater hits the bottom of the bowl or is too far away
from the bowl, you can correct the clearance easily.
1. Unplug Stand Mixer or disconnect
2. Place bowl lift lever in down position.
3. Attach at beater.
4. Adjust so at beater just clears bottom
surface of bowl when in lifted position
by turning screw (A) counterclockwise
to raise the bowl and clockwise to
lower the bowl. Just a slight turn is all
that is required: the screw will not
rotate more than 1/4 turn (90 degrees)
in either direction. (The full range of
adjustment is 1/2 turn, or 180 degrees.)
5. Place bowl lift lever in up position to
check clearance.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 if necessary.
NOTE: When properly adjusted, the at
beater will not strike on the bottom or
side of the bowl. If the at beater or the
wire whip is so close that it strikes the
bottom of the bowl, the beater or whip
may wear.
Lower BowlRaise Bowl