For multiple speaker purchases, please fill out only one warranty card.
Age Marital Status ❑ Single ❑ Married ❑ Divorced
Highest Education Level ❑ High School ❑ College ❑ Graduate School
Did you purchase these speakers for ❑ Music ❑ Home Theater ❑ Both
What kind of music do you like?
❑ Rock ❑ Classical ❑ Jazz ❑ New Age ❑ R&B ❑ Country ❑ Other
Dealer Name
Dealer Address
Dealer City/State/Zip
Date of Purchase
Model and serial number must be included to honor your warranty card.
Model Serial Number
Model Serial Number
Model Serial Number
Model Serial Number
Model Serial Number
Model Serial Number
Other speakers you own Brand______________________ ❑ Bookshelf ❑ Floorstanding ❑ Custom
Other electronics you own (check as many as apply)
❑ TV (screen size in inches)___________ ❑ Projection TV (screen size in inches)__________ ❑ AV amplifier
❑ VCR ❑ Laser disc player ❑ CD player ❑ Cassette player ❑ Turntable ❑ Pre-amp ❑ DVD player
❑ Audio amplifier ❑ Audio receiver ❑ Satellite dish ❑ Cable ❑ DSS (Digital Satellite)
Are you purchasing for ❑ New home ❑ Existing home – How long at existing home? ________
How did you hear about Klipsch speakers?
❑ Magazine ❑ Dealer advertising ❑
❑ Friend ❑ Dealer recommendation ❑ Builder
Cut along dotted line and mail.