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Loudspeaker Components -1
The woofer utilizes a low mass hybrid Aluminum/Rohacell®/Kevlar® cone with an over
hung voice coil. Even under massive dynamic demand, the driver retains linearity and
low distortion. A three-part high intensity neodymium magnet is used with a main
magnet, plus rear and forward magnets placed to ensure linearity, reduce stray magnetic
energy and provide intense eld strength in the voice coil gap. Dual Faraday rings on
the pole piece minimize unwanted inductance, enhance heat dissipation and minimize
dynamic compression.
The metal cone of the woofer is damped with a composite Rohacel and Kevlar lay-
ers which minimices ringing and maintains low mass, eliminating breakup and other
distortion products. As is the case with the midrange driver, the surround uses a at-sided shape which keeps
surround-produced output to a minimum and preserves phase response. The cast aluminum frame assures maxi-
mum heat transfer without any reection of the back wave of the driver that would otherwise
alter the sound. An inverted half-roll low density foam rubber surround completes the clean
In the P-38F and the P-37F he woofers see diering pass bands. This preserves con-
sistent dispersion through the critical woofer to midrange transition region and has a
positive impact on o axis performance and stereo imaging. This upper woofer covers
the entire range from 30 Hz to 500 Hz, where it crosses over to the midrange driver,
while the two lower woofers cover only the low and mid-bass. This “tapered-array”
design delivers full bass impact, plus a graceful transition between driver groups in both
tonal accuracy and dispersion.
Midrange-“The midrange is where we live” Paul W. Klipsch
The inverted dome midrange driver operates from 500 Hz to 3.5 kHz and is a unique design, not found on any
previous Klipsch product.
The driver sensitivity of 106 dB allows minimal excursion at normal playback volume.
As cone excursion reduces, so does distortion. The 4.5-inch aluminum dome is
driven by 3 high temperature N35H neodymium magnets, ensuring linearity under
a range of listening volumes. The pole piece is topped by a copper cap, whose
purpose is to minimize unwanted inductive components. The surround has half
the density of the material typically used and thus oers reduced mass. Unlike most
designs, this midrange driver delivers much more output from the dome and less
from the surround. As a surround is always in motion and always changing shape, output from its surface is high
in distortion—minimizing surround surface area is another means to reducing overall distortion.
The midrange unit is housed in its own magnetically-shielded sealed
enclosure, which isolates the driver from acoustic energy generated by the
woofers. Every eort has been made to ensure great accuracy, as well as
long-term durability from this unique driver.