
Knoll Systems service information
The MX1255 amplifier does not contain any user serviceable parts
inside. If you suspect a problem that may require servicing, contact us
at www.knollsystems.com/contact.html, or by phone at 800 566-5579.
If a problem is encountered with the MX1255, the most expedient
procedure is to locate the problem and if possible repair it before
requesting service. Be sure to carefully check other system components
such as controllers, CD players, volume controls, wiring, speakers, etc.
that may be at fault.
Problem Action
Power LED does 1. Check that the MX1255 is plugged in.
not light - no sound 2. Test the AC outlet with a lamp.
3. If remote on/off is used, check that
the trigger voltage is at 12 VDC.
4. Check MX1255 power button on (in).
Sound cuts out 1. Verify speaker impedance is 4-16 .
Changing speakers may be required.
2. Check if the MX1255 feels hot. If it's
hot increase cooling - see Installation.
Sound is distorted 1. Turn the volume down.
2. Check speakers for damage.
3. Check inputs for proper levels.
MX1255 gain and source output level
may, have to be adjusted.
4. Speakers may be less than 4 .
MX1255 does 1. Push MX1255 power switch off (out).
not turn off 2. If trigger is being used, power switch
needs to be set to off (out) position
or amp is on all the time.
3. Try disconnecting trigger jack.
Trigger does not 1. Measure the trigger voltage with a volt
work meter. It needs to be 11-15 volts DC
to work (current is about 35mA total
per amp). See page 5 for details.
Speaker pops when 1. Speaker may need resistor placed
amp turned on or off across terminal. Suggest 2k0 1/4 w.
Discharges speaker internal capacitor.
Installing the MX1255 should be relatively easy. With a bit of
planning, it will give trouble free service for years.
1. The most important consideration when installing the
MX1255 is cooling. The MX1255 has a lot of power packed into a
small chassis size. When installing it in an equipment stack, it
should be the top component. It needs at least 3"-5" of space
above the amplifier to allow for adequate convection cooling.
2. Amplifiers should always be the top components in the system.
3. If MX1255 channels frequently shutdown due to overheating,
install a fan directed up from the MX1255 bottom center.
4. Never operate the MX1255 on its side, as the cooling potential
drops significantly when operated this way.
5. Connect the MX1255 inputs to the source component outputs
with good quality, short as possible RCA jack cables. Connect each
channel individually.
6. Connect the MX1255 speaker outputs to speakers using good
quality speaker wire. Minimum 16 gauge copper wire is
recommended with 14 gauge minimum for runs over 30' (10m).
Note: Ideally the MX1255 likes 6-8 loads. Connecting
to 4 loads won't hurt the MX1255 but those channels
connected to 4 loads may occasionally shutdown due
to overloading. Never connect to speaker loads less than
4 . Channel 6 bridged mode minimum 8 speaker.
7. Individually adjust the channel gains as required. Ideally, all
gains are fully on (fully clockwise).
8. Make sure the speakers in each room are connected in phase
with the amplifier + going to the speaker +. Out of phase speakers
give unstable imaging and poor bass response.
9. Connect trigger if being used to a 12 VDC source (about 35mA)
using a 3.5mm mono jack. 5 VDC triggers will not work.
10. Connect the AC power into an outlet that supplies at least
EIGHT amps (1000 watts) dedicated to each MX1255.
11. If more power is needed, channel 6 can be mono bridged to
give 180 watts into an 8 load. Minimum impedance for
channel 6 in the bridged mode is 8 . The bridged switch needs
to be in the out position. The bridged input is 6L and the 6L gain pot
adjusts the bridged gain. The speaker is connected to the 6L+ and
6R+ in the bridged mode.