Kodak XLS 8600 and Kodak DS 8650 Printers
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
The calibration table is sent to printer.
19. Pull down the Printer menu and choose
Printer Setup
20. Repeat steps 9 through 12, step 15, and step 18 for each of the
media types listed in the IMPORTANT note on the previous page.
21. Exit the Calibration Utility.
Your printer is now calibrated for the new media.
Calibrating Your Printer for V1.0 Ribbon
To calibrate your printer for V1.0 printer ribbon, follow the instructions
in “Calibrating Your Printer for V1.5 Ribbon,” but select the media file
for V1.0 in step 14.
Remember to update all media type conditions:
Kodak XLS 8600
Windows 8600V100.RTB
Macintosh Kodak XLS 8600 Media V100
Kodak DS 8650
Windows 8650V100.RTB
Macintosh Kodak DS 8650 Media V100