Additional Calibration Information
C-4 September 2000
Kodak Device Calibration Software
The Kodak Device Calibration Software is used to launch the Calibration Software
for the 20P and 20R Printers and to launch calibration software for other devices
such as other printers and scanners.
NOTE: Most of the windows displayed in this chapter are from the WINDOWS NT
Version of the software. The windows for MACINTOSH Computers are
Application Window Definitions
The window below and the tables that follow define the application window for the
KODAK Calibration Device Software.
Window Area Description
Title Bar Contains the application name, “KODAK Device Calibration”
Menu Bar Contains selectable menu items
Tool Bar Contains the user selectable menu choices and is activated by a shortcut keystroke
or by a mouse pointer and left mouse button
Client Area Contains the icons that represent devices available for calibration
Device Icon Represents a device that can be calibrated
Status Bar Displays messages to the user to indicate actions that are occurring or the status of
the occurring action and the currently selected device
Tool bar
Title bar
Client area
Status bar
a calibration
when you add
(this appears
Device icon
Menu bar