
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
October 2002 5-7
80 paper at shoe entr not
During paper loading, the lead
edge of the paper was not detected
at the shoe entrance sensor within
the expected amount of time.
Load the paper in less time.
81 unexpected paper at
Paper jam occurred as paper
was being reversed from the
knife to the end of roll and paper
was detected at the knife instead
of at the shoe entrance.
Paper sensor at knife or shoe is
not functioning correctly.
Check that the paper is loaded and
threaded properly. Check for a paper
jam at the knife area.
82 paper at knife not
Paper was not detected at the
knife when it should have been.
Paper jam occurred.
Paper sensor at knife or shoe is
not functioning correctly.
Check that the paper is loaded and
threaded properly. Check for a paper
jam at the knife area.
83 unexpected paper at
sheet xport
Paper is detected in the sheet
transport area when not expected.
Remove any paper from the sheet
transport area.
Check that the processor input
sensor is not blocked. If
necessary remove the paper from
the processor entrance.
84 paper at sheet xport not
Paper was fed into the sheet
transport area but was not detected
by the sheet transport sensor.
Check that the paper is loaded and
threaded properly. Check for a paper
jam in the sheet transport area.
85 slack loop err, takeup
paper cinched?
The printer was unable to takeup
the slack loop because the paper
was not properly cinched.
Check that the paper is properly
attached to the cardboard core in the
takeup cassette.
86 slack loop high not
Unable to detect slack loop. Check that the paper is properly
attached to the cardboard core in the
takeup cassette.
87 timeout waiting to cinch
The printer door was not closed
within the normal amount of time.
Open the takeup door, attach the
paper to the cardboard core in the
takeup cassette and close the
takeup door.
89 unexpected deflector
nip up not detected
The deflector nip up switch was
detected after moving the deflector
to the down position.
Check for a paper jam at the
sheet transport area.
Reinitialize the printer.
90 knife front not detected The front switch for the knife was
not detected after moving from front
to back.
Check for a paper jam at the knife
91 deflector nip up not
The deflector nip up switch was not
detected after moving the deflector
from the down position to the up
Check for paper at the sheet
transport area.
Reinitialize the printer.
Call for service.
Error Message Possible Cause Possible Solution