
2-6 A-61371 September 2004
3 Auto Masking Key — turns auto masking on or off. Auto masking
omits the frame (non-image area) of a printed film image. Auto
masking is only available in the PR mode.
The previous Centering/Fit setting is applied when On is
selected from the Off state.
If Off is selected from the On state, Centering/Fit is disabled.
Auto Masking is not applicable with Masking or Trimming.
4 Auto Skew Correction key — turns auto skew on or off.
When auto skew is on, the indicator is lit and any skew of the
image will be corrected during printing.
After printing, the skew is retained by default. Contact your Kodak
Service Representative to change the default.
5 Manual Focus keys — press the up or down arrow keys to
manually adjust the focus of the displayed image.
6 AF (Auto Focus) key — when pressed the system automatically
finds the optimum focus for the displayed image. When the image
is in focus, the Auto Focus LED will turn off.
NOTE: If an image in not properly centered or the contrast and
density of the image is such that it causes the Auto Focus
to error, the LED will blink. The LED will turn off when the
Manual Focus keys or the Auto Focus key is pressed.