Chapter 5
Load the software:
a Double-click the CD icon on the desktop, then double-click the
Kodak PD6000 Installer icon.
b Follow the on-screen instructions. Use the installer menus to select a
language. When prompted, restart the computer.
c Open the finder window and click the Applications button. If you don’t
see the Applications button, access the Applications folder on your
operating drive.
d Open the Utilities folder, then double-click Print Center.
e In the Printer List window, click the Add Printer button.
f Select Kodak PD6000, then click Add.
The Kodak EasyShare printer dock 6000 is added to your computer.
On a Windows-based computer:
1 From the Start menu, select Settings, then select Control Panel.
2 Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
3 Select the Kodak PD6000 program, then click Remove. Follow the
on-screen instructions. If prompted, restart the computer.
4 From the Start menu, select Settings, then select Printers.
5 Right-click the Kodak PD6000 printer icon, then select Delete.
6 Follow the on-screen instructions. For Windows 2000 or Windows XP,
continue to the next step. Otherwise stop here.
7 From the Start menu, select Settings, then select Printers.
8 Select Server Properties from the File menu, then click the Drivers tab.
9 Select Kodak PD6000, then click Remove.
10 Click OK when complete.
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