3-34 Maintenance
NovaJet 500/630/700 Series Service Manual
Black Deadband
Cyan Deadband
Magenta Deadband
Yellow Deadband
Color Db Test
Figure 3-28. Color Db Menu.
Select “Color Db Test” to run the color deadband test.
The test consists of 12 default calibration settings. When the
test is run it will print out a pattern of 5 calibration lines for
each of the 12 settings. It will print this pattern in black first,
followed by cyan, magenta and then yellow. Also printed will be
the current settings for each of the four colors as well as the
slow deadband setting.
5. When the plot is complete, select “Black Deadband” at the Color
Db Menu. This brings up the options menu for the black
deadband adjustment. This menu is similiar to the menu
depicted in Figure 3-21.
The only acceptable values for the color deadband
adjustments are 12, 20, 28, 36, 44, 52, 60, 68, 76,
84, 92 and 100. Any other value entered will ap-
pear to be accepted because it will be displayed in
the current settings section the next time this
test is run. In actuality, the system will default
to the closest allowable setting as listed above.