
A-61124 March 1999 D-1
Appendix D Image Processing Parameter Defaults
Image processing
Image processing parameters are fine-tuned during integration
for each application/document type, with the goal of optimizing
document image quality.
At the beginning of the optimization process, the default image
processing parameter settings should be used as a base when
fine-tuning the image processing parameters:
Set each of the image processing parameters to the
recommended settings for your application/document type (not
necessary if the default settings are used).
Scan several samples of the application documents.
Evaluate the document images.
If the quality of the document image is not satisfactory, change
one or more of the parameter settings slightly and scan the
sample application documents again. Continue this process until
the desired image quality is obtained.
In addition to the default and recommended image processing
parameter settings, sample image processing parameters are
provided in
Appendix E, Image Processing
. The sample image
processing parameter settings may be used as guidelines when
establishing the desired image processing parameter settings if
your application/document type is similar to the sample images.