A-61092 September 1999 8-31
7. Repeat the two previous steps until all of the fields are set.
NOTE: Make sure that all characters on the drum are in line, flat and
not off center so the ink will be picked up evenly for a high
quality endorsement.
8. Slide the date knob back into the locked or run position (as indicated
on the index plate).
9. Rotate the Endorser toward the front of the unit. The latch will
automatically lock the Endorser in place.
10. Lift the locking lever to secure the Endorser.
11. Close the top cover.
Enabling the
Make sure the Endorser is enabled prior to feeding documents. The
Endorser may be enabled or disabled at the mode level using
function code F57.
Changing the print
The Endorser print position specifies how far from the leading edge
(fed into the transport first) of the document the endorsement will be
printed. The print position may be changed using function code F59.
This function allows you to temporarily change the Endorser print
position. The new print position will be used to print endorsements
until function code F02 (Restore Mode) is used to return the print
position to its original value (provided that mode overrides are not
saved), or until function code F59 is used again to change the
Endorser print position.
NOTE: The Endorser print position should be carefully calculated.
Make sure to set the Endorser print position close enough to the
leading edge (fed into the transport first) of the document so the
printed information does not extend beyond the trailing edge of
the document.
Selecting the
Endorser mode
The Endorser mode determines whether the Endorser prints one
endorsement per document (single stamp) or continuous
endorsements (continuous). The Endorser mode may be specified
using function code F58.