May be executed while transport is running.
* Available when filming; for use only with Microimager 70 (with or without AFM), and
Scanner/Microimager 990.
** Available when scanning; for use only with the Scanner 900, Scanner 923, Scanner 9500, and
Scanner/Microimager 990.
*** Available when using advanced capabilities; for use only with the Microimager 70 (with AFM),
Scanner 900, Scanner 923, Scanner 9500, and Scanner/Microimager 990.
A-61097 May 1997 B-5
P-Key Definition Input
Code Function Code Name/Description Required Optional
F59 Endorser Print Position
Allows you to specify how far from the leading edge
of the document the endorsement will appear.
F60*** Bar Code Reading 1 On/Off
Allows you to turn bar code reading on or off.
f60 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
F62*** Bar Code/Patch Reading Confirmation Tone
Allows you to turn the bar code/patch reading
confirmation tone on or off.
f62 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
F63*** Bar Code Reading Confirmation Tone
Allows you to turn the bar code reading confirmation
tone on or off.
f63 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
*** Omit Bar Code Reading on Next Document Only
Allows you to omit bar code reading on the next
document only.
F65*** Bar Code Test
Allows you to perform a test to verify the operation of
the bar code reader.
F66*** Partial Bar Code Reading On/Off
Allows you to turn partial bar code reading on or off.
f66 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
F70 Length Checking On/Off
Allows you to turn length checking on or off.
f70 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
Omit Length Checking On Next Document Only
Allows you to omit length checking on the next
document only.
F72 Skew Detection
Allows you to turn skew detection on or off.
f72 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
F73** Latched Scanning Flag
Allows you to set a flag which alerts the host system
that the document, and those which follow, are of
special interest. The flag will remain activated for
every document until it is turned off.
F74** Momentary Scanning Flag
Allows you to set a flag which alerts the host system
that the next document only is of special interest.
F75*** Footswitch Confirmation Tone
Allows you to turn the footswitch confirmation tone on
or off.
f75 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable