
20 A-61506 September 2006
Error messages Following is a listing of error messages that you may encounter when
using the Brightness and Contrast Control.
Message: The origin of this image cannot be determined from the file.
If it was not originally scanned with NULL color tables, then it may not
be a valid image for use in this application.
Description/Action: You tried to open an image that is not a valid file
for use with the Brightness and Contrast Control. File>Open Image
can only be used for files created using the File>Save Uncorrected
Image option.
Message: This image was originally obtained from a scanner of a type
different from the one currently selected. It may not be a valid image for
use in this application.
Description/Action: Be sure that the image you selected was acquired
with the same TWAIN Source you are currently using.
Message: Warning: The current scanner type is not known!
Description/Action: The Brightness and Contrast Control can only be
used with Kodak scanners. Be sure the TWAIN Source you selected is
for a Kodak scanner.
Message: You can only save EKCT files with this command!
Description/Action: When using the option Color Tables>Save, the
Brightness and Contrast Control will create your custom color table.
The file extension for these tables must be .ekct in order for use in your
production application.
Message: Source Manager is already open.
Description/Action: If you want to change scanners, exit and restart
the Brightness and Contrast Control then select the desired TWAIN
Source. You cannot change sources while the Brightness and Contrast
Control is running.
Message: Unable to load the Source Manager.
Description/Action: Exit and restart the Brightness and Contrast
Control application. If the error occurs again, open the Scan Validation
Tool to verify that it is working properly. If it is, call Kodak Service for
assistance with the Brightness and Contrast Control. If the Scan
Validation Tool is not working properly, contact Kodak Service for
assistance with the scanner.
Message: Unable to find the DSM_Entry point.
Description/Action: Call Kodak Service.
Message: Source Manager must be opened first.
Description/Action: Prior to using the File>Acquire option, you must
use File>Select TWAIN Source and choose the scanner.