A-61579 February 2007 23
Your company will have purchased one of the many production scanning applications that
support the i1800 Series Scanner for your daily scanning needs. There is a scanning utility
called the Scan Validation Tool that has been installed on your host computer. This utility can be
used for tasks such as viewing the complete Scanner Operator Log or checking that the
scanner is functioning correctly when trying to determine if there is a problem with the scanning
software or hardware. This utility allows access to two different software drivers (TWAIN and
ISIS). This class will not cover all the options available on the scanner. The TWAIN driver will be
used to access the logs. For more information on the driver options, refer to the Image
Processing Guide mentioned earlier in this class.
¾Starting SVT
From the Start menu on the host computer select:
1. All Programs
2. Kodak
3. Document Imaging
¾License key - Key icon
During a support call, Kodak Support may provide an 8-character code (such as
WPM3POYQ) that you will be asked to enter into the License Key window. This allows
you access the scanner logs that may be needed to determine if there is a problem with
the scanner. The code must be entered in uppercase letters and will only be active for
one day.