
A-61583 January 2008
Device Settings (continued) — found under the Settings button in the Configuration
Organizer or Administration GUI
Parameter Name Description/Sample Your Setting Notes
Alternate WINS
IP of Windows Internet Name
Server #2
Device Password Optional numeric password to
restrict access to the Scan Station.
4 digits (e.g. 1234).
Entered via the virtual keyboard at
each access.
Network User Name Account on the Microsoft Server
2000 or Server 2003 domain the
Scan Station uses for access to the
network driver and printers.
Novell eDirectory and Linux/Unix are
not supported for login at this time.
This is required to access shared
folders and network printers.
Network Password Domain password for network user
name (e.g., 1Df4781).
Must be a valid Microsoft format.
Network Domain Name of Microsoft Server 2000 or
Server 2003 domain the network
user name belongs to (e.g.,
This is not necessarily the same as an
Internet domain (company.com). For
more on domain naming conventions,
see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/