Calibration Routines for KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Metallic Paper
Revised 5-06
Printed in U.S.A.
Calibration Routines for KODAK
KODAK Publication No. CIS-241
CAT 196 2885
Printer Calibration
OCE LightJet
430, 500XL, 5000
Using Starting D-max values of 2.40R, 2.30G, 2.25B:
1.Go to the Oce website at www.cymbolic.com.
2.Go to Quick Links; Laser Products FTP Site
3.Go to LightJet 430_500XL and 5000
4.Go to LightJet Fusion
5.Choose printer desired
6.Go to Intel
Durst Lambda
130 and 76+
Starting D-max: 2.30R, 2.20G, 2.15B (It is possible to obtain higher D-max in images that do not include text.)
Basic Calibration settings: Y=113.60, M=82.20, C=0.00, D=96.20
Durst Epsilon 30 Starting D-max: 2.30R, 2.15G, 2.15B
Basic Calibration settings: D=0.635, C=0.000, M=0.261, Y=0.359
Durst Theta 76 Starting D-max: 2.25R, 2.20G, 2.15B
Basic Calibration settings: D=1.012, C=0.0, M=0.163, Y=0.361
Durst Theta 50/51 Starting D-max: 2.25R, 2.15G, 2.00B
Basic Calibration settings: D=94.07, C=0.0, M=106.70, Y=184.98
Durst Zeta Please contact Bill Conger at Durst Dice America, telephone (585) 486-0340, extension 5291.
Fuji Frontier We recommend that you use KODAK PROFESSIONAL SUPRA ENDURA Paper to calibrate the printer channel that you
plan to use. If you don't have a recommended channel that you normally use, please start testing with Channel I.
1.Load SUPRA ENDURA Paper into the paper magazine that you will use to print.
2.From the Setup and Maintenance menu, select Print Condition Setup and Check. Then select Paper Condition
Setup to perform a standard calibration.
3.Replace SUPRA ENDURA Paper with ENDURA Metallic Paper.
QSS-2711 and
Noritsu MP1600
Setting up a Channel for KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Metallic Paper
1.Set up a paper channel with ENDURA Metallic Paper, using the normal Setup procedure. This setup includes MLVA
Setup, Uniformity, and Gamma tests.
2.If any color changes are needed, enter them using the Magazine Balance function on the NORITSU MP1600 printer.
1.Set these starting Laser Maximum Density values: Y=200, M=156, C=124.
2.Starting Color Compensation Values Y=0.97, M=0.92, C=1.01.
3.Proceed with the manufacturer's standard paper calibration procedure.
ZBE Chromira 30 Select Kodak on the Emulsion menu, and enter:
Starting D-max: 2.40R, 2.40G, 2.35B
Starting Calibration Values: (C) 3, (M) 0, (Y) -104, (D) 39
Then follow the standard paper calibration procedure.
Kodak, Kodak Professional, Digital Science, Endura, and Supra are trademarks.