Taking pictures and videos
Taking a burst series of pictures
Burst lets you to take up to 6 pictures in quick succession (approximately 3
frames per second). Burst is ideal for capturing sporting events or objects in
motion. Flash and Self Timer are disabled when you use Burst.
Turn on burst
In any Still mode, press the Self Timer/Burst
button twice.
The Burst icon appears in the status area.
NOTE: The setting remains until you change it or turn off the
Take the burst pictures
1 Press the Shutter button halfway and hold to set the auto-focus and
exposure for all the pictures in the sequence.
2 Press the Shutter button the rest of the way down and hold it to take
the pictures.
The camera takes up to 6 pictures in quick succession. It stops taking pictures
when you release the Shutter button, when 6 pictures are taken, or when there
is no more storage space.
Exposure, focus, white balance, and orientation are set for the first picture
and applied to all pictures.