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Reference — Kodak Driver Software 8-49
9. Stop recording the script; you see these commands.
Supported Commands
The driver image window supports Photoshop action recording of the
following driver commands.
Select a SOURCE of CAMERA or FOLDER. If you have several different
cameras at your site, a source of C
AMERA selects whichever camera is
currently connected to the computer. The F
OLDER choice records the
path to the folder you select while recording the action.
Rotate images clockwise or counterclockwise.
Click the Take Picture icon; however, a shutter release is not re-
Select a lighting setting of DAYLIGHT, TUNGSTEN, FLUORESCENT, or FLASH.
Establish a crop rectangle. This records the crop rectangle in pixels.
When Fixed Size is chosen, that fact is recorded as well as the crop
rectangle, the height and width, and the resolution.