The recommended maximum distance between Bluetooth devices for the highest transfer speed is 10
meters or 32.81 feet. However, Bluetooth will work beyond this distance.
User-friendly Name
Your EasyShare AiO has a serial number that is used to construct name for Bluetooth printing. The default
name is Kodak5100+XXXX, where XXXX represents the last four digits if the AiO printer's serial number.
You can change this to a more user-friendly name with the AiO Home Center (See General Settings in
Chapter 2).
When a Bluetooth connection is made, no other functions are available. You control printing from your
Bluetooth device.
The photo layouts on your Kodak EasyShare AiO “snap” to the nearest standard print size whenever
possible based on the combination of layout and paper size loaded. Otherwise the layouts are based on a
standard 2x3 aspect ratio. The table below shows the print sizes that result from the various layouts when
applied to US Letter size paper (8.5 X 11 in).
Layout A Paper Print Size
Borderless 8.5x11”
Bordered 8x10”
2 per Page 5x7”
3 per Page 4x6”
4 per Page 3.5x5”
9 per Page 2.5x3.25 (wallet)
In addition to US Letter size paper, your EasyShare AiO provides photo layout support the following of US
and ISO 216 paper sizes. US sizes are measured in inches and ISO 216 sizes are based on the metric
US photo paper sizes
3.5 X 5 inches
4 X 6 inches
5 X 7 inches
8 X 10 inches
ISO 216 paper sizes
A4 (21 X 30 centimeters)
A5 (15 X 21 centimeters)
A6 (10 X 15 centimeters)
User Guide 25