Chapter 12
Picture Storage Capacity
Locating Pictures and Videos on a Card
Pictures stored on SD/MMC Cards use a standard (DCF-Digital Camera
Format) agreed upon by many camera manufacturers. This lets you use the
cards in different cameras. If you use a card reader to retrieve your files, the
following description of the card file structure may be helpful.
MISC folder—contains the order files created when you use the Share
feature to tag files for printing, emailing, and as favorites; also contains the
address book and album names copied from the computer.
SYSTEM folder—created and used while updating camera firmware.
DCIM folder—root level folder, contains the 100K6230 folder. Each time you
turn on the camera or insert a different card, any empty folders within the
DCIM folder are removed.
100K6230 subfolder—initially contains all pictures and videos on the card.
Approximate number of pictures
Best (3:2) Better
16 MB internal memory 18 20 35 70
16 MB SD/MMC 18 20 35 70
32 MB SD/MMC 37 42 73 145
64 MB SD/MMC 74 85 148 295
128 MB SD/MMC 149 170 298 595