
Chapter 8
Transferring Pictures and Videos
To transfer pictures and videos from your camera to your computer:
1 Place the camera in the Camera Dock. The
camera can be on or off.
If the battery is being charged, charging
pauses, then resumes after pictures and
videos are transferred.
2 Press the Connect button.
The Power/Transfer light blinks green
while pictures and videos transfer.
3 For details on printing and emailing, see the
Quick Start Guide or the KODAK
EASYSHARE Software Help.
NOTE: After transferring pictures and videos,
leave the camera in the Camera Dock.
Eight minutes after the transfer is
complete, the Camera Dock resumes
charging as necessary.
Caution When Using a Tripod
Do not connect a tripod to the Camera Dock. Remove the camera from the
Camera Dock and connect the tripod directly to the camera.
Connect button,