Taking pictures and videos
NOTE: Rear-curtain-flash sync
activates automatically when the flash is fired and the shutter speed is set at
1/30 second or longer. The flash fires just before the shutter closes to create a stream-of-light effect
behind a moving object for a more natural appearance. This feature prevails only in S, M, and C and
in Night portrait mode.
Flash settings in each mode
Flash settings are pre-set for each picture-taking mode.
Red-eye Once, so the subject’s eyes become accustomed to the flash, then fires
again when the picture is taken. (If the lighting conditions require flash
but do not require Red-eye reduction, the flash may fire only once.)
Off Never
Capture modes Default setting Available settings
Auto Auto* Auto, Off, Fill Flash, Red-eye
Portrait Auto* Auto, Off, Fill Flash, Red-eye
Sport Auto* Auto, Off, Fill Flash, Red-eye
P, A, S, M, or C Auto* Auto, Off, Fill Flash, Red-eye
Scene modes
Close-up Off Auto, Off, Fill Flash
Landscape Off Off
Night Portrait Red-eye* Auto, Off, Fill Flash, Red-eye
Night Landscape Off Off
P, A, S,
M, C