A-61550 May 2007 101
• Adaptive Thresholding (ATP): separates the foreground
information in an image (i.e., text, graphics, lines, etc.) from the
background information (i.e., white or non-white paper background).
When using Adaptive Thresholding, Brightness and Contrast can be
Brightness — changes the amount of white in the color and grayscale
image. Use the slider to select a value from 0 to 255. The default is 90.
Contrast adjusts the difference between black and white, thereby
making an image sharper or softer.
The difference between black and white is small with a low contrast
setting, so the image is softer. With a high contrast setting, the
difference between black and white is large, so the image is clearer.
Select a contrast value from 1 to 100. The default is 50.
Brightness: 50 Brightness: 127