62 A-61527 May 2006
Convert Color to Grayscale this option is only available when
configuring color cameras. When selected, the scanner will convert the
color image data to grayscale before making it available to the host.
Scan Source the host PC provides information to the scanner
defining whether to scan one or both sides of the document. Simplex
indicates that only one side (front side) of the document will be
scanned. Simplex – Back indicates that only one side (rear side) of the
document will be scanned. Duplex indicates that both sides of the
document will be scanned.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Editor Group) Quality. This group developed
and lent their name to a file compression standard for color and
grayscale images that is widely used by scanners, digital cameras and
software applications. On Microsoft Windows-based systems, a file with
the extension .jpg has normally been compressed using this standard.
JPEG compression offers a JPEG quality of Draft, Good, Better, Best
and Superior.
• Draft smallest file size with draft image quality.
• Good larger file size with good image quality.
• Better larger file size with better image quality.
• Best larger file size with the best image quality.
• Superior largest file size with superior image quality.
Image Edge Fill — fills the edges of a scanned image, after all other
image processing options have been applied, by covering the area in
Black or White (as selected). Select a value in the Top, Left, Right
and/or Bottom area(s) from each side of the scanned image to be
• When using this option, be careful not to enter a value too large as it
could fill in image data that you want to keep.
Image Control options The following Image Control options are available:
Deskew check this option to automatically deskew a document
within ±0.3 degrees of the leading edge of the document. Automatic
deskew can detect up to a 45-degree skew and correct up to a 24-
degree angle at 200 dpi or a 10-degree skew angle at 300 dpi. This
option is not available when you have Fixed to Transport or Relative
to Document cropping selected.
NOTE: To prevent data loss, the document must have all four corners
within the image path.