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Appendix 4—Part D—Real-world environment—Scanner features and settings profile
Kodak i780 Scanner configuration EMC Captiva QuickScan Pro v6.5.1 demo settings
K odak i780 Scanner ISIS Multifeed Productivity Test Challenge Document Productivity Test
200 dpi, bitonal, duplex, AO, auto thresholding,
multifeed detection, multipage TIFF output
300 dpi, bitonal, duplex, AO, auto thresholding,
multifeed detection, multipage TIFF output
QuickScan scan profile name i780 Test job 01 i780 Test job 02
General—save images to this folder
C:\Program Files\EMC Captiva\QuickScan\
My Images\i780\Job01
C:\Program Files\EMC Captiva\QuickScan\
My Images\i780\Job02
Scan—show continue dialog after scan Checked Checked
Scan—scan mode Duplex Duplex
Scan—scan type Black and white Black and white
Scan—dpi 200 300
Scan—page size Scanner max Scanner max
Image format and naming—enter file name at … Checked Checked
Image format and naming—file type TIFF TIFF
Image format and naming—color format Binary Binary
Image format and naming—compression Group 4 Group 4
Image format and naming—append standard extension … Checked Checked
i780 ISIS driver, main, cropping Aggressive Aggressive
i780 ISIS driver, main, thresholding iThresholding iThresholding
i780 ISIS driver, main, contrast 0 0
i780 ISIS driver, layout, image orientation
(both front and back image #1)
Automatic Automatic
i780 ISIS driver, layout, page orientation
(both front and back image #1)
Top edge first Top edge first
i780 ISIS driver, scanner, document feeder 250—Automatically start transport 250—Automatically start transport
i780 ISIS driver, scanner, ultrasonic detection Medium—3 sensors—end job Medium—3 sensors—end job
i780 ISIS driver, dropout, blank image detection Black and white (back only)—2KB Black and white (back only)—2KB
i780 ISIS driver, image processing, JPEG quality N/A N/A
i780 ISIS driver, image processing, color correction N/A N/A