Chapter 10
Picture Storage Capacities
MMC/SD cards are available in different storage capacities. The table below
indicates how many pictures, using typical file sizes, can be stored. Picture file
sizes can vary. You may be able to store more or fewer pictures.
Locating Pictures on an MMC/SD Card
Pictures stored on an MMC/SD card use a standard agreed upon by many
camera manufacturers. This allows you to use the card in different cameras. If
you use a card reader to retrieve your files or cannot locate them using the
software, the following description of the MMC/SD file structure may help.
MISC folder—contains the Print Order file created when you use the Print
Order feature.
SYSTEM folder—used for updating camera firmware.
DCIM folder—root level folder, contains the 100K3215 folder. Each time you
turn the camera on or insert a different MMC/SD card, any empty folders within
the DCIM folder are removed.
100K3215 subfolder—contains all the pictures taken when an MMC/SD
card is inserted in the camera and the storage location is set to Auto.
Store this many pictures
Best Quality Good Quality
Internal memory (8 MB) 20 80
8 MB MMC/SD Card 17 67
16 MB MMC/SD Card 38 148
32 MB MMC/SD Card 80 309
64 MB MMC/SD Card 164 631