. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index 10-5
E errors (LCD) 5-2, 7-10, 8-21
Electromagnetic emissions xvi
Electronic flash 7-53
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) wrist
strap 7-44
En error codes.
E errors (LCD)
EOS•DCS 1 6-22, 8-29
Calibration file 6-31
EOS•DCS 3 6-22, 8-29
EOS•DCS 5 6-22, 8-29
Erase button (Camera Control
icon) 8-20, 8-21
Recover images after 8-22
ESD wrist strap 7-44
European Standard EN55022 xvi
Example (Rename dialog box) 6-11,
8-27 to 8-30
Avoid long 5-16
Compensation (Use with flash) 7-53
Indexes 2-4
Mode 5-5, 5-17
Number (Annotation window) 8-43
External battery adapter 7-27
Ordering from Kodak H-1
Eyedropper cursor 8-36 to 8-37
Illustrated 6-19, 8-36
EZ-SCSI 1-5, 4-12, 4-13, 4-26, 4-34,
Factory Settings (General prefer-
ences) 8-25
Features 2-4 to 2-6
Field of view
DCS 410 A-7
DCS 420 A-7
DCS 460 A-8
NC2000e A-9
Filename (Images) 8-4, 8-40
Film advance indicator (Does not
appear) 5-17
Film advance mode (DRIVE button) 5-4,
Film camera back (Not used) 5-16
Film Loading indicator (Does not
appear) 5-17
Film speed equivalents 2-4
Filter (Tiffen Hot Mirror) 8-35
Final Output (Crop dialog box) 8-33
Finder accessories 1-6
Fire (Prevention) xiv
Firmware 2-6, 4-33, 4-40, 8-19 to 8-20
Glossary entry B-3
Updating 7-3
Version 8-18
First image (Navigation bar) 6-14, 6-15,
Fix Aspect Ratio checkbox (Crop dialog
box) 6-24, 8-32
Fixed Size (Crop dialog box) 6-23 to
6-24, 6-24, 8-31
Resolution 8-23
Flash 1-6, 5-7, 5-17, 7-53
Lighting menu 8-34 to 8-35, 8-35
Flash memory cards 7-19
Fluorescent (Lighting menu) 8-34 to
8-35, 8-35
Focal length (Lens)
DCS 410 A-7
DCS 420 A-7
DCS 460 A-8
NC2000e A-9
Focus mode 5-5, 5-17
Focusing screen 5-8, 5-16, A-10
Folder (Source menu) 6-6, 8-7
Button 4-43
Cannot recover images 8-21
Camera Control icon 8-20 to 8-21
PCMCIA card 3-5, 4-42 to 4-44, 5-2
Remove duplicate frame
numbers 7-9
Fragmentation (PCMCIA card) 7-20
Frame counter 5-9 to 5-10, 5-13, 7-7 to
7-9, 7-12
Defined B-3
Frame number 8-4
Frames Remaining indicator 5-6, 5-9 to
5-10, 5-13, 7-7, 7-12
Glossary entry B-3
Free hard disk 1-2, 1-4
Freeform (Crop) 6-23 to 6-24, 8-31
ftp server (Downloading software) C-1
to C-2
G 6-19, 8-37, 8-46
Gamma (Monitor setting) 4-36, 6-2
Gender changer (Ordering) H-4
General Preferences.
Preferences icon
Glossary B-1 to B-5
Go to image (Navigation bar) 6-14, 8-44
Green 6-19, 8-24, 8-37, 8-46
Grounding xii
H (High-speed shooting) 5-4, 5-9
Handling x
Handstrap 7-46
Hard disk
IBM PC requirements 1-4
Macintosh requirements 1-2
Hardware 1-1, 1-2 to 1-3, 1-4
Acquire Contact Sheet dialog 8-16
Crop dialog box 6-24, 8-32
Image information window 6-12,
Help (Built-in) 8-24
Help tag 8-24
High-speed shooting 5-4
Hot shoe 7-53
Humidity xii, A-11
IBM PC computer 1-1
Driver (Installing) 3-2, 4-33 to 4-34
Hardware 1-4 to 1-5
Display card 1-4
Monitor 1-4
SCSI interface 1-5
Software 1-4 to 1-5
Applications software 1-5
Systems software 1-5
Archive 6-30 to 6-33
Archive folder (Defined) B-3