
Photo Things Pty Ltd
Effective September 1st, 2006
256MB Kodak XD Memory Card $74.95
512MB Kodak XD Memory Card $99.95
1GB Kodak XD Memory Card $119.95
KRW8IN11SCS 8 in 1 Multi Card Reader $29.95
800 7668 Kodak EasyShare Camera Dock 6000 $59.95
864 6002 Kodak Neck Strap $9.95
868 3484 Kodak P20 Zoom Flash - Designed for use with Kodak 'P' Series Cameras $249.00
131 8047 Kodak Travel Kit $89.95
806 2135 Kodak Digital Camera Tripod $49.95
125 6379
3V AC mains power adaptor for most Easy Share CX & DX (4,6 & 7) series Cameras
(excl. 6490 & 7530)
103 1376 5V AC mains power adaptor for Easy Share LS series and DX 6490 & 7530 Cameras $69.95
815 6572 NiMH Battery Pack for Easy Share Systems DX / CX Series (KAA 2HR) $19.95
105 3701
Kodak NiMH Battery and Rapid recharger for EasyShare Systems.
Includes 2 International Plugs.
849 9741
Kodak Li-ion Rechargeable battery for LS Cameras (KLIC 5000)
106 4062
Li-Ion Rechargable battery for DX 6490 (1700 mAh) (KLIC 5001)
875 1091 Li-Ion Rechargeable battery for V530 (600mAh) (KLIC 7002) $54.95
197 9657 Li-Ion Rechargeable battery for V550 (720mAh) (KLIC 7001) $54.95
165 9010 Kodak Li-Ion Rechargeable battery for LS 755 (KLIC 7000) $54.95
841 5713
KLIC 7500 Charger (Battery Not Included) - Suitable for all Kodak Klic Batteries - Including
KLIC 5000, KLIC 5001, KLIC 7000, KLIC 7001 and KLIC 7002 Batteries.
156 1596 Kodak PCMCIA Picture Card adapter $29.00
115 7619 Windows serial cable ~ DC20/25/200/210/215/3200 $29.00
181 7774 Video output cable ~ DC200/210/240/280/3200 $29.00
198 3881 Video/audio cable ~ LS420/ LS443/DX 4330 and most 6 and 7 series cameras $39.00
865 0988 USB Cable for Series 3 Printer Docks, Camera Docks and Picture Viewers $29.95
811 2690 USB interface ~ DC220/240/260/265/280/290/3400/5000 $39.00
853 9249 USB cable for Easy Share Dock System & DC4800 $24.95
195 5137 USB cable for EasyShare 26 Pin Cameras $29.95
811 8390 Video/audio cable for EasyShare 26 Pin Cameras $29.95
8776585 Lens Adaptor for DX 4330 & DX 4530 $49.95
102 0809 Lens Adaptor for DX 6340/6440 (for fixing additional external lenses) $49.95
121 6183 Lens Adaptor for DX 7440 $49.95
191 9125 Lens Adaptor for DX 7630 $49.95
152 5088 Lens Adaptor for DX 6490 (for fixing additional external wide angle lens and filters) $44.95
138 2175 Close up lens kit (+7, +10) $99.95
119 2467 Kodak RETINAR Telephoto lens extension (suits Kodak DX 6340/6440) $129.00
189 7596 Kodak RETINAR Wide Angle Lens (0.6) $119.00
172 8187 37mm Lens Hood $49.95
103 3323 Wide Angle Lens for DX 6490 (0.7x) Schneider Opitische, 55mm $249.00
875 6488 Telephoto Lens Schneider Opitische, 1.4x, 55mm $249.00
877 3376 Neutral Density Filter 102 for DX 6490 by Schneider B&W $49.95
107 2636 Circular Polarizing Filter for DX 6490 by Schneider B&W $129.00
100 1874
Kodak EasyShare LS Camera Bag $21.95
133 7443
Kodak Camera Bag - Small $21.95
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