E-10 Troubleshooting
To ensure the highest quality and reliability of the data that is sent to the printers, the
IEEE standard 1284 parallel cable is required to be used when utilizing the parallel port on
the printers.
Note: Be sure that your parallel cable does not exceed the maximum of 10 ft.
This standard uses shielded twisted pair technology that reduces noise and increases
performance at higher transfer speeds.
This cable is recommended on all printers built by ENCAD in 1997 and later.
To order from ENCAD, use part number 208559.
Try using another parallel cable. Be sure that it is securely connected.
No output when printing from Unix
If you encounter “no output” problems when printing from Unix, try the following:
1. Check the printer hardware.
- Check that the printer is plugged in and turned on.
? Check that the cable is connected to the port on the printer and the port on the
workstation or server.
- Check that the cable is the correct cable and is not defective.
- Check that hardware switches for the port are correctly set.
- Run the demo print available from Utility Menu/Service Menu/Test Print
to assure that the printer is functioning.
2. Verify network connections.
- On a print client or server, type ping system-name and press Return. This
command checks that the network link between the print server and print
client is set up correctly.
If the message says the system is alive, the network is functioning. The
message also tells you that either a naming service or the local /etc/hosts
file has translated the host (system) name entered into an IP address. If it
hasn’t, you must enter the IP address.
- If you get a “not available” message, check the following:
- How is NIS or NIS+ set up at the site?